In this assignment known as the Art of Gratitude, the assignment Is creating a greeting card using font types and drawings of pictures that artist made and using Adobe InDesign. The step for this assignment is doing research of different types of greeting cards that would be interesting to use. Next is to find different ways to say thank you for the card. After that then, the user needs to create 27 thumbnails for different types of ways that they would do a greetings card. Then pick one of the thumbnails that looks more appealing an interesting and put it in InDesign. When in InDesign the artist will set up an art board for the card and printed out and take pictures to finish the assignment.  
For my Art of Gratitude, I picked an axolotl for my drawing and for my word for thank I used (thanks a lot).
And for the inside of the card I used (with all me thank to you).
Art of gratitude

Art of gratitude
