Thomas Farley's profile

The Rorschach Test

This is a test post. I would like to see if Adobe allows this kind of content. I think I can market it under "adult content" but that would limit views and there is nothing here that is graphic or obscene. This is based on an Adobe Express template which makes the text and images look far better than they should, if indeed this definition was actually correct and if these thoughts were actually be communicated.

What I am trying to do, ultimately, is to use templates to refine my work and to play off of their regularity by adding my irregular content. An example is below.
The image above is from a template in Adobe Express. It is well composed and standardized and most people know that any text with it should be equally bland. That is where I would depart from the theme: by adding unconventional thoughts in a conventional setting, a sort of surrealism with words and pictures. For now, I want to see if the first image will be reported and whether I have to move it somewhere else. 

As anyone can see by my work, I delight in word play and the legitimization of unconformity. Instead of an art exhibit, one might have an Arte Johnson exhibit. This actor played a Nazi Colonel on the pioneering television show Laugh In in the late 1960s.
The Rorschach Test


The Rorschach Test
