Adventurous Productions's profile

Adventurous Alice in Wonderland - Puzzle-Platformer

For my final year project at the University of Teesside, I produced a level design document for a puzzle-platformer based on the story of Alice in Wonderland. Some years later, I slightly revised the document to submit it for a competition.

Highlights include: The Labyrinth of Doors, where a way has to be found to reach the main room in a maze of doors that play tricks on Alice, whereas in the main room, Alice must constantly change her size and eat candies with power-ups to go from the bottom of the very tall room all the way to the top; Big Mother's Land, where there is a lot of interaction with various bizarre characters and there are challenging puzzles to be solved, be it through turning into a frog or putting pieces of a poem together; and Mushroom Forest, a platforming paradise with several alternate paths.

Quote from my project supervisor, Dr. Alan Hind, Principal Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Teesside: "
Highly original take on Alice in Wonderland with some excellent gameplay ideas which are very well documented in the game design document. The game design document is very well presented and very thorough. A very pleasing product with many original ideas in gaming puzzles and platforming/adventure gameplay. The student's passion for the project, and Alice in particular, shines through."

Joyful Fairies (written by me for a puzzle)

    If you wish to make a fairy   ~   Joyful as a sunshine,
Find a fine dress with stitchery,   ~   As red as cherry wine. 

       The stitchery itself matters   ~   As much as a turquoise;
  This stone's colour for real flatters,   ~   As much as some twee toys.

How does turquoise look like, you ask,   ~   Confused as bee 'n bottle?     
Blend blue and green; this is your task;   ~   Easy as bread 'n' butter.          

  No questions no longer; listen,   ~   Heedful as you can be!
Pleasing fays takes some more reason,   ~   Crucial as hose-panty.           

 Hose-panty, or pantyhose, *wink*   ~   Put it as you may please;
Just make sure the colour is pink,   ~   As much as it may tease.

 Teasing can also be a skirt   ~   Purple as a violet;
The contemplator's heart will hurt   ~   Daunting as a bullet.       

Last, embellish the fairy's wings   ~   Dinky as her gender,    
With mesmerizing colourings,   ~   Lovely as lavender.  

Adventurous Alice in Wonderland - Puzzle-Platformer


Adventurous Alice in Wonderland - Puzzle-Platformer

Quote from Dr. Alan Hind, Principal Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Teesside: "Highly original take on Alice in Wonderland with Read More
