Everything photographed and edited by myself.

Creating is so fun. Your emotions, feelings, ideas, experience, are all mixed all together, as something appears from the shadow: it is like putting a part of yourself in an item that will not age, that will see you getting older and die. This time, I laterally tried to put both my wife's and my body on the canvas, arranging them into a winged illusion.

In order to design it, I studied various photos of ravens, then used a wooden miniature model in order to see what positions would work the best. Once set, I photographed us in my home studio accordingly: of course, since we are no dancers, a few things had to be adjusted in post-processing, but I made sure to keep it humanly doable. The head of the raven was a bit challenging: the wooden miniature had no hair so it was not easy to foresee the result before trying out; however I believe her ear as the bird's eye and her hair as its beak work nicely. Finally, there was also a full moon this week, so I took advantage of it and photographed it for the background.

Hope you like it!
Raven Dance

Raven Dance

Everything photographed and edited by myself. http://www.kiciak.fr Creating is so fun. Your emotions, feelings, ideas, experience, are all mixed Read More
