The book "Me to mati" is a small cookbook, made with love, and a result of a series of engraving courses. It is handmade, which is why it is unique, the engravings are printed on rare and expensive paper and sewn with thread, like an old book. The recipes are a testimony to another era, far from the modern way of life in the cities. They are recipes of the Vlachs of Vovousa and more widely from Zagori of Epirus, with simple and easily preserved ingredients from a mountainous environment where the lack of raw materials and difficulties were overcome with simplicity and completeness. 

The illustration was done in the traditional Japanese way where the inverted dies were imprinted on handmade Japanese paper. This publication was designed and edited by Iliana Alexandrou and Ιra Spagadorou and is self-published. Τexts were written by Maria Kavalieratou and was edited by Yiannis Karlopoulos.

It was digitally printed in 299 numbered copies on Munken Print and Colorplan papers, on the occasion of the Vovousa Festival, in Eastern Zagori - Greece.




Creative Fields