3D Fireball
Step 1: Create two spheres at the center of the scene (Make sure to reduce the size of one so that it's just slightly smaller than the other)
Step 2: Select one of the spheres then go to the object tab and scroll down to quick effects and select Quick Smoke
Step 4: Select the sphere which you placed the Quick Smoke on and change the flow type to fire + smoke
Step 5: Add lighting and background (Sun and plane will do)
Step 6: Adjust background and lighting to personal preferance
Step 7: Add Principled Volume Shader to Smoke Domain and have Color Attribute set to temperature and Blackbody Intensity to .500. Other settings can be changed to preference (Make sure to connect it to volume not surface)
Optional: Add a noise to the Smoke Domain and increase resolution division to make it look more realistic (Only increase resolution division to what your computer can handle)
3D Fireball

3D Fireball
