The content of this book about an autistic boy really influenced my choices for this book jacket art. I wanted to organize all the letterforms into the most logical shape with line length increasing gradually and utilize a simplistic representation of the dog. For the type, I intentionally treated it so it would create a little bit of vibration and tension because in this story, the mind of the main character also possesses these attributes.
This book jacket design was made before the book, Life of Pi, was adapted for the cinema. The cover aims to emphasize the main character’s internal struggle between religion and science, man and wild, and head and heart. The colors emphasize the cool logic against firey emotion, but find a way to work in harmony, just as the character is able to balance the dichotomies with which he struggles. I chose colors that have a foggy, dreamlike haze to emphasize the blur between reality and imagination.
Book Jackets

Book Jackets

Book cover designs, school projects
