Graphic Design
Group Project - K. Mundorf, A. Stang, K. Phan, C. Elhert, S. Teubert

Electric Grits is a fictional band created by a group of designers as part of a branding exercise. The exercise had students placed into randomized groups and given two random musical genres that they formed a band around, creating branding and promotional material for the brand within the period of a week. My group was given the genres country and deep house. Since the two genres are very different from each other, it presented us with some challenges as to what we wanted our band to look like. Another obstacle we faced was the time constraint—having only one week to complete the project. As a solution, we listened to many different country and deep house songs and found similarities between the two, formulating a country band with an electric twist, using modern influences such as artist Orville Peck to form the image. I was given the task of creating two show posters with hypothetical tour dates and locations, and one logo for the band.  
Electric Grits

Electric Grits
