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BHANGA BOX - Cheech & Chong


Bhang, from the Hindi: भाँग is a preparation from the leaves and buds of the female cannabis plant. It’s consumed as a beverage in the Indian subcontinent. Bhang has been used in India since Vedic times (1750–500 BC), and is an integral part of North Indian culture. Sadhus and Sufis use bhang to boost meditation, to achieve transcendental states and as an aid to spiritual ecstasy. From the word Bhang, comes the slang ‘Bhanga’, which is used to define strong and high quality cannabis.

To enhance even more the smoking experience, comes the Bhanga Box! A place to keep all of your tools and accessories neat and organized. And it comes with a rolling tray. :)

First edition is a tribute to the legendary Cheech & Chong! 

Aum shiva shankara hari hari ganja!

Thank you

This is part of a series. Check out #2 here.

BHANGA BOX - Cheech & Chong