CAD-drawings on paper

The video functioned as a backdrop for an exhibition held at the University for the Arts in Berlin and was running on a loop in the background during the event. Therefore, it is not meant as a standalone visual in itself but should be seen more in context to the displayed drawings and functioned for the visitors as another reference point in the gallery to come back to once in a while to see the progress made via the line drawings.

We always carry around with us mental maps of the spaces we have experienced throughout our lifetime. The displayed GPS-drawings, as a result of my walks through the different cities, form some type of mnemonic device, establishing a learning technique that aids and constitutes memory. In contrast to the maps we are used to looking at, the resulting maps are subjective representations of spatial experience and therefore much closer to our memory.

Tracking is a technique to record and visualise the path an object leaves behind through space and time, utilising a GPS device. Starting in 2011, I began to track my trails through the urban fabric of the cities I inhabited and/or visited, namely London, Berlin, Paris, and New York City.

As a result, the experience of wandering the city seems to be far more focused and palpable in return, each line representing a different story one can recall – the city as a palimpsest, helping to form a clearer image of its underlying fabric, revitalising the tradition of the Flaneur, as described by Walter Benjamin, upgraded for a new technological age as well as being influenced by the Situationists around Guy Debord and books like Kevin Lynch's ‘The Image of the City’.




