Artificial Intelligence Foundation Showcasing complex, digital humans with a soft touch

The Artificial Intelligence Foundation is at the forefront of AI technology’s application towards interactive, “digital humans.” Not only is the concept itself advanced, the use cases are incredibly nuanced and require a deft presentation to educate the general public on how it all works. Our task in building the website was to convey this complex story to multiple target audiences, making sure that it wasn’t the standard, cold, intimidating approach of a digital future world.

Strategy, Digital


A “Warm Tech” future

A competitive audit of the ever-evolving AI landscape uncovered peers and competition that trend towards digital, Minority-Report-esque visualizations of their technology. AIF looked to Funkhaus’ expertise in cinematic design to help form what a more natural, everyday representation of AI could look like. We found inspiration in the photography of Kremer Johnson, who’s scenic-staged photos of fascinating people felt like the right way to bring AI to “life.” Johnson was commissioned to create scenes of human moments, with beautiful imperfections, that illuminate AI digital humans interacting naturally among the crowd.
Approachability for Multiple Audiences

Artificial Intelligence software is still in an early stage that is challenging to visually represent without opening technical interfaces. In turn, its application to real-world scenarios also requires a leap in imagination. The design ecosystem of the website mixes the commissioned photography, motion-graphics, color, and razor sharp copy to showcase how “digital humans” can make an impact for a variety of audiences - on an individual, commercial, or philanthropic level.
"Funkhaus kept everything very transparent. We were involved in every step which, as a control freak, was amazing. I also appreciate the thought that went into the layout, design, and most importantly the ultimate purpose of our site. It ended up feeling very unique and clearly outlines the mission of AI Foundation."

– Rami Hachache, Chief Creative Officer

AI Foundation

Project Made For

AI Foundation
