Bogdan MRK's profile

Applibot Illustrations // 2013 - 2014

Character Design
All the illustrations that I did for Applibot in the last year and a half. (actually there's one set missing,... I'll update this post in the coming days).
I don't know if you're familiar with their games but each set consists of two images for the same character:
a basic version and an advanced one. 
As always,... I've worked side by side with my brother on this project, guiding each other along the way! You can see his Applibot pieces here!
Without further ado,... scroll down! The list is long and full of terrors! :))
The Warlock - basic version

The Warlock - advanced version
Zombie Dragon - basic version
Zombie Dragon - advanced version
...cruising around!
The Fairy - basic  version
I've always considered fairies as glaring little beings... and when I was asked to illustrate one, I took the task as a real challenge. One of my main concerns was not to make the final image look too kitschy! :))

She comes from the light,.. and in short, her mission was to stop humans from killing each other. Being a fairy, she sprinkles "magic lsd-isiac powder" around the battlefield and all the soldiers receive "the power of blessing and are immersed by a happy feeling"! [:D
The Fairy - advanced version
...celebrating Wold Peace!
The King - basic  version
...fighting a deceiving god.
The King - advanced version
...and celebrating his victory!
The Cyborg - basic version
...building himself up!
The Cyborg - advanced version
...reset, recharged,... re... ready to fight!
The Underground King - basic  version
The story of this set is about an underground civilization who lives deep beneath our planet's surface and has never seen the light of the Sun. It is said that one day, their King found out about the surface, "the blue ceiling" and the glowing ball that lights everything.
He wanted to bring some of that light into his world and searched for ways to steal it! ... at least a fraction of it! And somehow he managed to bring a tiny piece into his kingdom.
When he showed the flaming sphere to his people, they all started worshiping the goddamn thing like it was... the latest smartphone or something.  [:))
But the bright light was doing more harm than good to the tiny eyes of these cavemen, so after a while... they all died happily ever after.

End of story.
The Underground King - advanced version
The Time Wielder - basic  version
One of the most powerful characters out there, The Time Wielder is never late for a meeting. :))
Using the Black Surayan Sword he can travel across eras, feeding with the souls of whoever comes across his path.

In the regular version he drains out the time of an ancient mage, driving him through every stage of his life.
The Time Wielder - advanced version
The Bounty Hunter -  basic version
...waiting to collect the reward!
The Bounty Hunter - advanced version
Light Giants - basic version
Light Giants - advanced version
Persian Army - basic  version
Persian Army - advanced version
The Mad Preacher - basic version
The Mad Preacher - advanced version
Brigand Empress - basic  version
Brigand Empress - advanced version
The Sniper - basic version
The Sniper - advanced version
Sand Wizard - basic version
This was the first image made on this project - November 2012.
Sand Wizard - advanced version
All images ©Applibot
Applibot Illustrations // 2013 - 2014