Kristin George's profile

College Freshman - Art 102 (2012)

Pastel Bear
Chalk Pastels on Grey Paper. We had to do a value study where we place three colors as a dark, medium, and light value.
Charcoal Mini Guitar and Amp
Charcoal on Grey Paper. We had to cover the paper in one value and erase the lights and add the darks with charcoal. And no that guitar is not off proportions, it was a mini one my family bought me when I was young!
Charcoal Hat
Charcoal on Grey Paper.
Charcoal Melons
Charcoal on Grey Paper.
Charcoal Post
Charcoal on Grey Paper.
Charcoal Potatos
Charcoal on Grey Paper.
Charcoal Trash Can
Charcoal on Grey Paper.
Charcoal Weight Study
Charcoal on Grey Paper. You draw the denser parts darker and fade out around it. It was a study on wieght and guestures. Random ultra-sound drawing in the corner because the way we were using charcoal reminded me of an ultra-sound image.
Pencil on Paper. A value study of one of my stuffed animals.
Koi Fish in the Rain
Japanese Brush and Ink on Bristol. First time using brush and ink.
Line Contour Study
Pencil on Paper.
Final Line Project
Pencil on Paper.
Random Anime Guy
Pen on Bristol.
Self Portrait Anime Version
Pen and Water Color on Bristol. My semester ended in the winter, so in the theme of winter break, I drew myself all snuggled up with a nice mug of hot cocoa.
Self- Portrait Juggling
Pencil on Bristol. This was my final for this class. It's symbolic of my life and trying to juggle my time between art, school, and softball. The owl on my shirt was an inside joke from that class.
White Christmas.
Pencil on Bristol. This was one of the last project from that class. I've always wanted a white Christmas at my house, but seeing I live in sunny southern California, I know that is next to impossible. When I was younger, around Christmas time, my siblings and I would make massice forts out of pillow, blankets, chairs, and tables. So, I wanted to take my childhood fort building and turn it into an igloo for my white Christmas.
College Freshman - Art 102 (2012)

College Freshman - Art 102 (2012)

This is a portfolio to show some of my best work from my freshman year in college. More specifically, from my Art 102 class.


Creative Fields