Kristin George's profile

College Freshman - ArtI 100 (2013)

Miyzaki Money
Pen on Poster Board. The assignment of the project was to create your own currency, so obviously I would make one for my favorite animation movie director, Hiyao Miyazaki! This is on a huge poster board and when the time came around, we had to get them scanned and shrunk to the size of a US dollar and print out enough for each person in the class. Makin' dough! This was our final, so on the last day of class we all traded our money and made a collection of everyone's money in our class. There is stippling, cross-hatching, and line used in this piece. There is a character to represent all the feature length movies he's directed by 2012. The reason why the number is 28 is because in 2012 it was the 28th anniversary of Studio Ghibli. And it's written in Disney font because Disney has all the rights to dub over his animations.
Dreams of a Popcorn
Pencil on Bristol Board. So this project was really fun and this piece was going to be put into my school's student museum! So we were given some popcorn and we had to sit and look at them and try to see what they look like (Like what people do when they stare up at the clouds!). Then you had to transform that piece of popcorn into the thing it looked like within 5 steps. I actually carried that piece of popcorn in a little box for weeks and I still have it treasured in it's little box.
Pen on Bristol Board. So the next two pieces were a part of the same project. You had to have the subject of the piece touch at least one side of the paper. it had to run off the page in a 5 inch gap that was centered 3 inches from either side. The subject was not allowed to touch the side of the paper unless it followed the rules above. Then you had to do a value study using whatever pen technique you wanted. Then you would take all the pieces from everyone in class and connect them together like a giant puzzle. (See the picture below to see some of  them pieced together!)
Circle of Life
Pen on Bristol Board. Here I went for the challenge of touching all four sides of the paper. Apparently that was the hardest thing to do and only one other girl took on this challene wtih me! Anyways, I decieded to do a different pen technique for each hand. It's amazing to see they all look the same from afar, but the magic happens when you get close!
Here we have them pieced together. My madador one is in the middle. It took the whole class 20 minutes to connect all these pieces into one giant one! It was so difficult and we even had to turn some peices to make them connect to others! They made the wierdest and funnies combinations!
Pencil on Bristol Board. The assignment was to pick an emotion and try to convey it in the art piece. I hope I showed this women being sensitive that she's balding and she doesn't want to look at her reflection any more, even though she is till beautiful. Created using multiple sources and I had to make up what the back of her head looked like based on the piture of the woman!
College Freshman - ArtI 100 (2013)

College Freshman - ArtI 100 (2013)

This is a portfolio to highlight some of my best work from my college freshman Art Illustration 100 class.


Creative Fields