Fantastisch & Pur
I was asked to do a book design for an existing book designer for one of my University classes. After some research I got to Cordula Alessandri, an Austrian graphic designer based in Vienna, Austria. Since I've really liked her designs but couldn't find much to grasp online, I e-mailed her and asked for an interview. Surprisingly I got back a really nice response in which she declared she's love so see and help me. So, after this interview I had a clue what my concept should be about - a summary of her existing book designs work she presented online. Why? Cordula Alessandr said she hasn't got a good PR and that if you wanted to find her and her agency alessandridesign, you had to know how to find her. So I wanted to help her out a little bit.
Down below you are able to see the result "Fantastisch & Pur" (Fantastic & Pure).
"Fantastisch & Pur" is self bound.

New Design University, St.Pölten
4th semester | Book Design
Project Coach: Mag. Gabriele Lenz
Fantastisch & Pur

Fantastisch & Pur

A book which has its purpose to give readers an overview of Cordula Alessandri's book designs.
