Alena Kokueva's profileANC Atelier's profile

Architechture in the Park

Architechture in the Central Park
Mendeleevsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia.
55° 90' 84.3" N | 52° 29' 83.6" E​​​​​​​
Typology: Competition / Всероссийский конкурс лучших проектов создания комфортной городской среды в малых городах и исторических поселениях
Total area:  65 000 sq.m
Status: Project
Location: Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Mendeleesk
Architects: Alena Kokueva, Nadejda Ermakova
Architects for playground: Mariya Starceva, Irina Sadova
Urban planner: Dilyara Zinnurova
Digital designer/illustrator: Adelina Shaymuhametova
Collages with people: Regina Davletova
Sociologist: Alina Muratova, Anastasia Shestakova
Visualization: Alena Kokueva
Bureau Director: Darya Klimova
Main Architecht: Anastasia Mutagirova
Time line: May 2023
Our mission is to develop the historical districts of the city by highlighting the depth of its cultural layer. 

Нашей главной задачей стало развитие исторических районов города через подсвечивание глубины его культурного пласта.
What is the territory
master plan
Pavilion "Ushkov"
Summer Library
Dance Stage
Children Playground 
Architectural code
Architechture in the Park