Printmaking Work
University of Louisville, Spring '11
This is my work from the Printmaking class I took in my Spring '11 semester at UofL. We worked in lino and wood relief printing, dry point intaglio on plexiglass, and screen printing. It was all quite fun and rewarding, but I completely fell in love with screen printing.
"How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Bomb"  Linocut relief print
"Power Chords" Poplar woodcut relief print
"The New Guitarist" Drypoint intaglio print from plexiglass plate; pastiche of Picasso's "The Old Guitarist"
"Egret There Be Light" Three-color screen print
"Midnight's Children" Two-color screen print; a hand-made version of an earlier project.


Printmaking work done at UofL in spring '11 semester
