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The Stories of Our Periods

The Stories of Our Periods 

"Menstruation," a word that many have struggled to utter. Half of the world's population experiences menstruation, and it leaves a mark in each person's life. "The Stories of Our Periods" exhibition brings together thousands of menstruation stories encountered by the Red Riding Hood team throughout their advocacy and action. With 15 themed exhibition spaces and no fixed route, each visitor contributes their own experiences, intertwining them to create a collective narrative of our shared "period" experiences, leaving us amazed month after month.

「我們的『經』驗」特展,集結小紅帽在倡議與行動的過程中,相遇的千百個月經故事,15 個主題展間,沒有絕對的動線,由每一個走進展場的你,帶來自身的經驗,彼此交織出共同的「經」驗篇章,讓我們的「經」驗,月來月驚艷。

展期:2022.09.26 – 09.19
地點:松山文創園區 南向製菸工廠「藝巷空間」

In this project, we collaborated with the "With Red" team to identify practical and expectation-based solutions within the given constraints of time and resources. The exhibition is thoughtfully divided into multiple areas, each dedicated to sharing unique menstruation stories.

在這個專案當中,我們協助「小紅帽 With Red」團隊,在有限的時間及既有的素材內,找到最接近想像的可行方案。展覽共分為十多個區域,每個區域皆訴說著不同的月經故事。​​​​​​​
Family Interactive Zone 親子互動區

In this area, we have incorporated four types of interactive games, including hopscotch, tic-tac-toe, passing through the gate, and more, cleverly integrating relevant knowledge into the activities. The purpose of this design is to create an engaging and fun environment, allowing children to learn while playing and enabling parents to enjoy the exhibition process together with their children.

The Educational "Periods" 教育的經驗

In this area, we not only present it in a classroom-style setting but also cleverly design menstruation-related stories and knowledge into props such as workbooks, notes, and exam papers. Through these props, visitors can explore the topic of menstruation from a student's perspective, enhancing their multifaceted understanding and knowledge of this issue.

The Colours of Menstrual Blood 經血顏色

Menstrual blood is not restricted to a single colour; it comes in various colours. In this area, we exhibit several common colours of menstrual blood using colour samples. The purpose is to encourage people to transcend preconceived notions and perceive menstruation from a colour perspective. This design fosters openness and understanding among visitors, promoting awareness of the diverse range of colours in menstrual blood.

The Unknown "Periods" 未知的經驗

This area is based on the concept of a scientific laboratory and introduces knowledge related to menstruation. Topics covered include the structure of sanitary pads and period underwear, as well as common menstrual blood volumes.

More Menstrual Knowledge 更多的月經知識

As shown in the photos, we have designed corresponding exhibits and display methods for each area's theme. For more abundant and interesting menstrual knowledge, please visit With Red website or The Red House Period Museum.

如照片所示,我們針對每個區域的主題設計了相對應的展品與展出方式。更多豐富、有趣的月經知識歡迎前往小紅帽With Red網站或小紅厝月經博物館。

Host & Curation 主辦策展:With Red 小紅帽
Production 執行:SyndAvant
Supervisor 專案監製:Achó 李玄俅、Molly 李依采
Project manager 專案經理:Yvonne 王怡方
Environment design 場佈設計:Achó
Exhibits production 展品製作:With Red 小紅帽、Achó、Tony 林昱丞、Chuchu朱瑀晨
VIS design 主視覺設計:希希
Graphic design applications 視覺延伸設計:Achó、Tony、Nora、Swoof ! 舒服試物所
Hardware 硬體設備:作好活動
Crew 團隊成員:Lisa 黃安妤、Viola 劉盈呤、Toni 吳若岑、Ellie 陳彥文、Max 林刃羽、蓓蓓、Ria、李唯豪、李恩霖、黃右

The Stories of Our Periods

The Stories of Our Periods
