Radiolarian font — Radiolarian world

Radiolarian font — Radiolarian world
​​​​​​​Radiolarian World
Cold, rough, alienated world. A metauniverse made by water and reborn by an ecological catastrophe. Honeycomb, spongy texture. Covered with frost, calcite crystals and radiolarian groats. Huge radiolarians on houses walls and in their corners, on pavements and streets. Clean, dry and cold. Twilight and night. Metaverse winter. Disinfected by cold. Reddish-gray-brown sky. Neon glow.

After the fall of the meteorite that occurred from this explosion and a giant tsunami with waves 2 km high, a redistribution of masses and chemical changes took place. As a result, radiolarian silts consisting of dead radiolarians, which accumulated in large quantities on the ocean floor, ended up in the atmosphere in the form of a fine suspension.
The symbiosis of radiolarians and viruses allowed the firsts to reach gigantic sizes. And while dead radiolarians were in the air, new types of radiolarians survived right on the streets of the city.

Radiolarians (Radiolaria, named from radiolus - a small ray, syn: "rays") - sea shell rhizomes. They belong to a subclass of unicellular Protozoa of the Sarcodina class. Exclusively marine organisms.
Most species have radial symmetry. They have an internal skeleton, it consists of a central skeletal capsule and radial needles. The skeleton is formed by silica (SiO2) or strontium sulfate (SrSO4) and forms an openwork shell, more often spherical, less often stellate or bell-shaped. In living radiolarians, the skeleton is inside the cell. The rays serve to strengthen the pseudopodia.
Radiolarians are part of the plankton, often live in symbiosis with unicellular algae.
Fossilized from the Proterozoic. When radiolarians die, their skeletons are first accumulated in the form of radiolarian muds, and then are transformed into silicon rocks - flasks and jaspers. Fossil radiolarians are used to establish the age of sedimentary rocks; in some rocks they are rock-forming organisms. Currently, they are found in large numbers in radiolarian silt (Geological Dictionary, Moscow, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1955).​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Radiolarian Font
The Radiolarian font is a unique and exciting visual solution. The combination of radiolarian elements with font symbols creates an aesthetically appealing and original design.
Ligature & special characters
radiolarian, 3D, font, alphabet, neural network, ai, artificial intelligence
радиолярии, шрифт, алфавит, нейросеть, ии, искусственный интеллект
Participant of the Video Art Festival "Light. Image. Music" («Свет. Изображение. Музыка») in Arkhangelskoye. 
Arg Pg — concept, typography and neural networks
Veronika Nefedova — motion​​​​​​​
Chesa Benitasound
Radiolarian font — Radiolarian world

Radiolarian font — Radiolarian world

The Radiolarian font is a unique and exciting visual solution. The combination of radiolarian elements with font symbols creates an aesthetically Read More
