Diploma Thesis 2001 
Welcome to a glimpse of my artistic journey, where installations serve as portals to intriguing realms of contemplation and reflection. Presented as part of my thesis in 2001, these three installations embody my early explorations into the realm of immersive art. "Sanctum": Step into "Sanctum," an installation crafted from transparent PVC cylinders, delicately forming a translucent and fragile room divider. This ethereal structure symbolizes our personal space, simultaneously protecting and isolating us from others. It becomes an obstacle, separating the model and the spectator, allowing visual connection while maintaining a distance that prevents physical closeness. "Morpheus": "Morpheus" delves into the ethereal realm of immateriality and spirituality, capturing the essence of our sleep-induced state. This installation represents the transcendent nature of dreams, where the sense of self, body, time, and matter dissolve. It serves as a visual manifestation of the soul's journey into the dream world, where boundaries blur and possibilities expand. "Ants" (Video Installation): "Ants" takes the form of a captivating video installation. As spectators venture through a labyrinth, constructed from white balloons, they traverse distorted proportions and narrow corridors. The journey culminates in an unexpected encounter—a display area featuring an anthill. This microcosmic experience surprises and engages the spectator, revealing their own participation within the artwork. Although the video quality may be imperfect, it remains a precious record of my earliest artistic endeavors. These installations serve as catalysts for introspection, challenging viewers to question personal boundaries, societal constructs, and the fluidity of perception. Each artwork invites you to step beyond the ordinary, embracing the unexpected and reimagining the world through a lens of artistic exploration.
Diploma Thesis2001

Diploma Thesis2001
