Kyle Lowis's profile

The Green River

The Green River. The headwaters lie high in the mountains of Wyoming, eventually meandering its way down in to Colorado and Utah, cutting a path through the American West, eventually meeting up with the Colorado River and finding its way in to the Grand Canyon and beyond. This river has been a spot of wonder and adventure for centuries. Travelling with Dvořák Expeditions, we rafted down the Green, through Desolation Canyon and in to Grey Canyon. The trip was filled with long days of rafting, exploration of long abandoned Homesteads, hiking to Petroglyphs of native cultures long extinct, and training drills to become a raft guide.
Winding between high canyon walls, our path snakes through twenty miles of flat-water.
And so it begins for the group of new paddlers.
Sunset at our first campsite. The orange glow of towering rock shines the last rays of daytime upon the magnificent old trees. Time to cook dinner and relax.
There are a great many hikes to take in desolation canyon. Today our group hikes to an old moonshiner's den.
Prickly Pear Cactus plants are common in the region. When in bloom, the flowers can be harvested and eaten. Just don't eat the rest of the plant.
The old stonework was home to an outlaw moonshiner, selling his wares to local Native American tribes. The location was perfect, hidden in the canyon walls just below a natural water spring. We fill up our canteens before continuing our journey downstream.
Our team leader, Bill Dvorak, tells us the history of Desolation Canyon, the Green River and the local populations.
One of the adventurers examines some of the local plant life.
Creatures of all shapes and sizes live in Desolation Canyon.
Some easier to spot than others.
The beauty and wonder of Desolation Canyon rivals that of the Grand Canyon, many miles further downstream.
Ancient Petroglyphs, remnants from old cultures that once lived in Desolation Canyon. Long since departed, evidence of their culture is left behind in the rock walls.
Not all local residents are lost. This new friend comes out from the shade to meet our group.
Attempting to decipher the drawings is something else entirely.
Time for another hike. The adventure isn't always on the riverbanks; sometimes it's in the hills.
Ancient granaries left behind by an old civilization. The arid desert environment has preserved the remains for centuries.
The views continue to dazzle. The bends go on for miles and miles.
Golden light bathes the red rocks. Unforgettable sights on an unforgettable journey.
Smiling faces gather around the campfire. It’s been a long day, an even longer trip. Nothing is more soothing than the heat of the fire and the sight of the stars above. Goodnight.
The Green River

The Green River

In May of 2014, Kyle began training to be a raft guide with Dvorak's Expeditions. The training trip took the new potential recruits down the Gree Read More
