This is a website I made for The Sturges Speakeasy, a restaurant / tavern in Harrisburg, PA. The Speakeasy is a unique mix between a sportsbar hangout and an upscale fine-dining retreat; as such, my goal was to reflect this in the design, without making any sacrifices to its usability.
The most important thing to do with a restaurant's website is to make sure the most commonly needed information is easy to find, right away, with minimal effort. So, I placed that information immediately at the top, and I placed full contact information along with access to any menu or page in the site in the footer.
To learn this, I researched a gazillion websites first, but I must admit that the most solid piece of evidence was from The Oatmeal's webcomic on this very issue.
An example of the menu, which appeared via a lightbox modal.
The Speakeasy

The Speakeasy

This is a website I made for The Sturges Speakeasy, a restaurant / tavern in Harrisburg, PA. The Speakeasy is a unique mix of sportsbar / hangout Read More
