Ru Yi Gan's profile

What's in that bag?

This story is about a  boy who always drag a huge bag wherever he goes. No matter how tired he feels, he will still continue to carry this heavy big bag with him.
One day, a girl saw the boy with the huge bag, she was curious so she approached the boy and asked: "What's in that bag?" The boy ignored her and continue dragging the bag.
The girl followed the boy until he stopped by a tree to take a break.
The girl asked again: "What's in that bag? Can I take a look?" Without waiting for the boy's reply, she peeked into the bag.
To her surprise, she found broken pieces of toys in the bag.
The girl then walked towards the boy and reach out her hand to him. She smiled and said: "Let's fix them together!"
What's in that bag?

What's in that bag?

Illustration done using pen and ink.
