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Yes. | Pop Balet Trailer

YES - Pop Balet Trailer
Video edit and soundtrack

Video Edit
This captivating trailer serves as a teaser for the dance theatre production titled "YES," for which I had the privilege of creating the soundtrack. Shot during a full day in an old library in Prague, the footage captures the essence of the production while maintaining an air of intrigue, keeping the concept of burnout syndrome at its core without revealing too much.
In the video, the scenes predominantly showcase improvised moods rather than full situations from the theatre production. This approach aims to evoke a sense of the emotional landscape explored in the performance, allowing viewers to glimpse into the complex world of burnout without unveiling all its intricacies. The editing instruction I received was to create a trailer under one minute, striking the delicate balance of revealing just enough to captivate the audience while leaving them yearning for more.

Music Production
For the music production of the "YES" Pop Balet trailer, my original vision was to incorporate elements from the theatre compositions. I took a captivating strings motive that carries throughout the teaser, serving as a thematic thread connecting the visuals and the music.
In crafting the soundtrack, I aimed to create an up-tempo atmosphere, leaving little time for reflection. This choice was deliberate, designed to heighten the sense of excitement and urgency, compelling viewers to either watch the trailer again or be inspired to purchase tickets for the live theatre performance. The energetic spirit of the music reflects the dynamic nature of the production, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the exhilarating world of "YES."
The combination of the carefully selected strings motive and the up-tempo vibe amplifies the trailer's impact, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. It showcases the synergy between the visuals and the music, stimulating anticipation and curiosity for the full theatre experience.
The "YES" Pop Balet trailer excites and entices, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the dance theatre production. Through meticulous video editing and the creation of a spirited soundtrack, the trailer sets the stage for a captivating performance that explores the complexities of burnout syndrome.
Yes. | Pop Balet Trailer


Yes. | Pop Balet Trailer
