Something likes chess but far more intricate the glass bead game is thought in its purest form, a Synthesis through which philosophy, art, music and scientific law are appreciated simultaneously.
                                                ………………………The Glass Bead Game.
                                                                                                    Herman Hesse
iGo is the world’s oldest known game and also the most complicated game it takes a moment or two to learn the basic principals yet a life time to master.  It deals with the principal of duality and is the essence of the Tao and I ching.  No one quite knows its inception though it is thousands of years old.  It has been written about in many stories such as Herman Hesse  Magister Ludi aka: the Glass Bead Game.  It is the mental principal behind most all martial arts .  Many martial arts have Do pronounced dough in the name that means Tao or way of or they way meaning the laws of duality based on the laws of gravity and the fluidness of water, the very essence of the nature of the universe and how it applies to this planet.  iGo is the mental essence applied to this principal and can be used in everyday life in business or pleasure as all relationships rely on duality.  The strengths start out at thirty qu and work down to one qu then they transform into one dan and go up to six dan then transform to one dan pro and go as far as nine dan pro at which point both nine dan pros will play for the title the strongest of the two is referred to as a mejin which translates to master of applied arts.
The process used in creating iGo art is when a game of go is finished the image defined, then used to print  a giclee  or a painting, in some cases the canvas is prepped with rice paper or mulberry paper in order to properly hold a stain some times the negative space in the image is gilded in 24ct gold or 999.99 pure silver 
Through out history empires  have always ruled and lorded over civilizations, they have rein and fallen to other empires.  They have started out as estates, then towns, fiefdoms and grown into kingdoms and empires,   George Orwell writes about imperialism in his book 1984 giving it a science fiction name called a totalitarian society of what could happen.  When in fact he derived his material through the observations of imperialistic empires of the past, only to project what may repeat itself in the future.  However Imperialism is as much of the past and future as it is right here in the present and always has been.  When supply and demand are both monopolized in a market by a single force, imperialism is inevitable.  Many emperors are very fond of iGo as were warlords and generals.  It has even become a favorite of today’s tech industry CEO’s as it is the one game that has not yet been completely computerized consequently it is preferred over chess as it deals with the conquest of occupied space which is the essence of imperialism.  Many players  such as Bill Gates are finding games on the Internet under assumed names or handles.
iGo Yellow
iGo Yellow is reflective of Imperial China, which ruled China, and influenced Asia and the Orient approximately  221 BC until it’s overthrow by communists in 195-
Imperial China ruled the Orient from Manchuria the Forbidden City.
iGo Red
iGo Red is reflective of Red China also known as Communist China, though not an empire, the communist over through the yellow empire through organization of the proletariat.   Communism a Concept developed in the United States was originally designed to give the workingman a seat at the board of directors so that he could bring an experienced opinion to the table about working conditions, along with participating in profit share.  This concept was attacked in the U.S. known as the Red Scare or the McCarthy era claiming that the U.S. Government would soon be overthrown by communist china as was yellow china by the proletariat.  Forcing the American Communist party to call themselves  union to differentiate union members from the proletariat.  Today  American unions still struggle over working conditions, pay scales, and profit shares in the U.S.
iGo Red can also reflect the Japanese Empire as it too is also the color red. 
iGo Grey Scale
iGo Grey Scale is reflective of the void, a measure of peace or nothingness in between the lines in life that divide us from one another.  The unseen line the imaginary line that is unseen but is there that we all recognize no matter where we are from.   The lines that you can’t see hear taste or touch yet exist because we recognize them.  The lines of civilization the lines of civilized man, the lines between the colors the invisible the unseen the grey.
iGo Spice
iGo Spice series is a representation of the Roman Empire or the silk route trade between Europe and the orient.  The phrase all roads lead to Rome comes from the time where the Roman Empire built roads coming to and from Rome making it easy for the Calvary to have access in time of war.  When wars were won and conquests reached out the roads expanded, they were then used for trade making it easy for farmers to bring produce to market, which then extended to merchants making Rome a central Mecca of trade.  A well-known mercantile route known as the Silk Road extended from Europe through Persia and the Middle East into the orient, this allowed trade back and forth from other meccas of the world.   On this route there were trades of silver gold coffees and wines which pre date the bible.  There was a nine by nine iGo board  and stones found in Germania in a Roman Calvary camp.  Thus launches the iGo spice series in recognition of the Roman Empire each work is divided into two categories sun and moon.  Works of the sun category are painted in coffee and acrylic on rice paper positioned on canvas the negative space is then gilded in pure 24ct. gold leaf, attributing the sun.   Works of the moon are painted in wine primarily Frances Ford Copalas Merlot ,  (this wine is  much like the wine I use to make with my Roman grandfather in my youth) and acrylic on  canvass that is prepared with rice paper or mulberry paper.  Rice was a product of Italy brought to the Orient by Marco Polo.  Mulberry leafs are used as a staple in the silkworm diet, silk was a major trade on the route hence the name Silk Road.  The negative space is then gilded in pure 999.99  pure silver leaf, attributing the moon.  This far exceeds the sterling standard as it is illegal to sell pure silver in the states unless it is leaf.  Since 1964 when the U.S.. relinquished the silver standard. All jewelry after this date has a binding mixture making it  sterling which is less than pure,
In addition to the C.O.A., which is provided for each work a stock share of each work, is also provided.  Each work is a work of $100.000.00 divided into shares of stock attributed to each design of the same work.  Once the work has reached the $100.000.00 limit it is then retired and can only be bought in the secondary market, making it accrue in value as an investment as well as a collection.  Theoretically many people can buy a different painting but all own stock collectively in the same work valued at a much higher price than which was first purchased at.
In addition to each work being individually copy written  The iGo Art concept is trademarked registered with the library of congress Washington D.C.  legally preventing  duplication of the work or concept of the iGo Collection with out expressed written permission from the artist.


iGo Something likes chess but far more intricate the glass bead game is thought in its purest form, a Synthesis through which philosophy, art, m Read More


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