This is a series of concept drawings for a fantasy series I had made like how my previous work, Fox's Far Flung Fables, was science fiction.

It is called "Knights and Knaves", and it is about the plucky knight Timothy Cannister and his trusty ostrich steed Strider going off on an amazing quest through the Brunch Kingdom in order to save the fair Princess Cinnamon. She is currently being held captive by the Lunchionnaire on Mount Marzipan. The Lunchionnaire is ruled by their ruthless leader, “Plague of Picnics, The Famine Fiend,” Baron Von Bitterson.

What follows are a series of art pieces depicting some basics, and more will be added as I eventually make them.

The image on the left is the initial, more angular design of the two protagonists,
and the somewhat more finalized design is on the right. 
The initial finalized sketch of the main duo, and the antagonist as well.
Rough sketches of the party's third member, Mabel the mage.
More finalized designs including lineart/flat colors.
Here's some initial sketches of the locations, a colored close up of the main setting, and a world map/ key in case I feel like expanding on the world in such a way where it feels like these elements won't have appeared from thin air.
Knights & Knaves


Knights & Knaves
