Nina Li's profile

Maotai Chinese New Year

This project is for famous Chinese Baijiu Maotai celebrating Chinese New Year. These 9 pictures describe the things people would do during traditional Chinese New Year: 
- posting Spring Festival couplets
- lion dance
- lighting fireworks
- making dumplings
- receiving red pockets
- having a New Year's Eve dinner
- sweeping the dust 
- buying New Year's supplies 
- enjoying lantern displays
Posting Spring Festival couplets  贴春联
Lion dance  舞狮
Lighting fireworks  放鞭炮
Making dumplings  包饺子
Receiving red pockets  收红包
Having a New Year's Eve dinner  吃年夜饭
Sweeping the dust  扫尘
Buying New Year's supplies  买年货
Enjoying lantern displays  赏花灯
Make the 9 pictures as a package design for Chinese Maotai
Maotai Chinese New Year


Maotai Chinese New Year
