Valeria Xu's profile

Ciclo de Encuentros de la Diáspora China

Liwai is an organisation based in Spain that promotes cross-cultural action between the Chinese community in Spain and the rest of society. Between November and May 2022-2023, they organized three editions of the Ciclo de Encuentros de Creadores de la Diáspora China en España (Cycle of Encounters of Chinese Diaspora Creators in Spain / 西班牙华人文艺创作者社群--系列交流活动) at the Centro de Residencias Artísticas, in Matadero, Madrid.
This project consists of the conceptualization and design of the cycle's communication campaign, which centered around posters and online posts, also displayed at the events themselves.
The poster series uses the element of fruit as a symbol of variety, essentiality and fun. But also as a welcoming element, as fruits in Chinese culture signify hospitality and are also a gift for guests. All in all, a resource that fits with the theme of the talks and memorable for the audience.
Liwai Acción Intercultural @ Centro de Residencias Artísticas Matadero

Madrid, Spain 2022-2023

Photos 2, 6, 8, 9 credit: Matadero Madrid / Estudio Perplejo

Ciclo de Encuentros de la Diáspora China


Ciclo de Encuentros de la Diáspora China
