TszYan Li's profile

DXB210 Critical Experience Design

Design Concept Statement
Have you ever imagined how the world would be in the future? Developing in positive ways or negative ways? In my preferred future, it would be a more-than-human technological future, which means a world not just only designed for humans, but also for non-human species, including plants and animals. Therefore, in my preferred future, a sustainable smart city is built. The green buildings are built in a high place with a tree-like- appearance. Those green buildings are in a sustainable way as they use solar power for generating energy throughout the whole society. Besides, green plants on the platforms from the green buildings can produce oxygen through photosynthesis by using carbon dioxide which is produced by humans. As well as humans use the oxygen produced by green plants and breathe out carbon dioxide to make a sustainable cycle between humans and plants.
The name of my design is called Tunnel Tube. It is a kind of transport inside the sustainable green buildings in my future world. People can pass through buildings and buildings by using the Tunnel Tube.
It is a transparent tube but because of the refraction, the outside part will look brown under sunshine to protect the user’s privacy. Passengers can lie down inside the tunnel or act in a ‘Superman’ pose to pass through the Tunnel Tube. While travelling through the Tunnel Tube, passengers can either choose to turn on an AR mode or not. By turning on the AR mode, passengers will have a wonderful journey of discovering the species inside Australia, such as Eclectus Parrot, Kangaroo, or Eastern Great Egret. They can interact with AR system while travelling to other buildings in order to enjoy the journey. Besides, if passengers do not want to use the AR mode, they can enjoy the original view of the surroundings through transparent materials. As sustainable green buildings are planted by lots of local plants, users can still learn a lot during the journey. Moreover, as the Tunnel Tube are transparent in colour, it is concerned it would hurt the species since they cannot see the Tunnel Tube and maybe crashed on it. Therefore, it would have an invisible obstruction to interfere and prevent animals from crashing into the Tunnel Tube, especially birds. To experience the design, firstly, users should sit at the entrance of the tube. It is safe for all ages of people as the speed would not be too fast and it is stable inside the tube so motion sickness will not happen. The user then can enjoy the travel through the Tunnel Tube by flowing of air. There are still numerous of things I am not sure or I need to improve on these designs. For instance, the material of the Tunnel Tube, if I used glass be the main material, how to prevent the glass from being heated by the sun and would not make the inner part of a tube too hot, as well as in what ways I can set an alarm or notification to animals to let them be careful and keep away from the tube to lower the percentage of they being crashed and get injured from the tube.
Nowadays, because of the human being, the world had changed a lot. More extreme weather, such as floods, hot waves, and earthquakes occurred more frequently because of the increasing level of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and lots of species are endangered or extinct as they cannot survive from those bad weather. As we all know the fact, global warming is not far away from humans stuff, or a thing that only learn from textbooks, but a real and emergency problem that we all need to deal with. Fortunately, green buildings can protect humans and species suffering from extreme weather as the buildings help protected and planted different kinds of local species throughout. Moreover, by using the Tunnel Tube which connected the green buildings, people can be educated by the AR system developed inside the tube on how to protect the environment and diversity. Education is always a great method to let people know and understand. They can learn and know how important is to protect the earth from global warming, one of the biggest issues that the whole world is now suffering together. Furthermore, I aim to provoke humans and species can live together peacefully. As we know, human is a big threat to animals and plants as while we are developing the lands and areas, thousands of animals and plants are losing their own living environment. It may lead to the endangered of species. Therefore, in this design, I want to provide an environment where all living species can live together without any artificial or man-made threats. One of the ideal solutions in my future world is using method like aquaponics that human and animals as well as plants live and provides benefits together in a great balance. To conclude, in my future world and the design of green buildings and Tunnel Tube, I aim to provoke how serious global warming nowadays is and let people connect together and live with both animals and plants peacefully to ease and slow down global warming in order to have a better world.
DXB210 Critical Experience Design

DXB210 Critical Experience Design
