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And the next work will be the majestic Notre Dame Cathedral (fr. Notre-Dame de Paris), a Catholic church on the Ile de la Cité in the center of Paris. This outstanding architectural monument is glorified in art and is one of the most famous places of worship in the world. Every year, 13-14 million tourists came to see it, wanting to personally see the gothic silhouette directed upwards, decorated with picturesque stained-glass windows and creepy gargoyles. On April 15, 2019, the world witnessed with horror as a fire destroyed the original 12th-century roof, cathedral spire and clock.
From an engineering point of view, Notre Dame Cathedral is the first building where arched buttresses were used. Initially, Notre Dame was designed without them, but over time, the thin walls became higher and higher, and in order to strengthen them, the architects came up with a system of buttresses - special wall supports. Largely due to the engineering design of the cathedral, it seems to us so aesthetically attractive - massive details are balanced here by thin and openwork elements.
“But no matter how beautiful the cathedral remains, one cannot help but mourn and be indignant at the sight of those countless destructions and damages to which both years and people simultaneously subjected this venerable monument of antiquity,” the Frenchman wrote.
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Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral
