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Message In A Bottle: Secrets Lost at Sea

Street Art
“Message In A Bottle: Secrets Lost at Sea”🌊⚓️🍾📜
CH Distillery, Chicago, Illinois, USA. (2023).

Lately I’ve found myself fascinated with the intrinsic romance behind methods of communication in which the sender knows the message likely won’t ever reach the intended recipient: 
A message in a bottle confessing a dark secret that's never been uttered aloud, a yearning post in a missed connections forum professing undying lust towards an oblivious stranger, a heartfelt love poem tucked into a library book about the atrocities of war, 
What’s really happening when someone decides to send such a message?? Are they crazed desperate attempts to connect somehow, even if it may truly be, against all odds? Or perhaps, in the very act of constructing the message, the sender is casting a spell, a magical lasso tossed blindly into the abyss enchanted to locate someone's soul and close in on it. 

I’m not certain I’ll ever uncover the senseless “why” at the core of all this, or if one even exists…All I know is, here, in the depths of the ocean, among the infinite secrets lost at sea, your impossible message found me, and I hold it close..📜🤎 
Message In A Bottle: Secrets Lost at Sea


Message In A Bottle: Secrets Lost at Sea
