Hassam Majid's profile

Relaxify ( Anxiety app)

A thesis project on Anxiety Coping App that includes Yoga, Meditation and Soothing sounds. 
(Visulas Only)
App Name: Relaxify
App Icon/ Logo
Thesis Statment
Key Features of App
Typeface Selection
Colour Selection
User Flow 
(user architect design this define the flow and feature that app includes)
Splash Screen
(Introductry Screen)
Walkthrough Screens
(User Guide)
Login / Signup Screens
(Login and Signup for both end user and for therapist onbording himself)
Goals Selection Screen 
(Question screen from user as there is two sides of app one is for therapist and the other who is seeking help. If user is therapist he will jump to on boarding screens if not then user will select his goal and his current mood in which the futher suggestion will be displayed (non therapist) himself in further onboardig screen) 
Therapist Onbaording Screen
( Therapist registration screens for being professional)
Home Screen for End user.
(Home screen will appear once user select is current mood. Home screen will have
Quote for a day, Suggestion for therapist, Music playlist, Mediation and yoga practices)
Meditation, Yoga and Sound screens
(For end user selcting meditation session or if he wants to practise yoga or listen to calm music. In this screen user will see three tabs and can vary from one to all depending on what he wants) 
Reminder Set Screen
(End user screen to set a reminder for its sessions or required thing. User can set alrams her booking session and much more.)
Therapist and appointment booking screen
(Different therapist suggestion screen and one selected therapist and its appointment booking screen.User can scrool through different therapist and slect one depending upon its price and rating. User can select its time for booking, can see the profile of therapist)
Booking a Therapist
(Booking a therapist screen, payment method screen confirmation screen for end user.
user can pay here directly to therpist and for therapist they can get paid directly here no 3rd party invlovment )
Favourite screens from all over app
(All the liked quotes, therapist and sessions and practise can be added by end user in its favourite list)

Chat Screens
(Chat section for non therapist in which user can chat with a system,leave a message as a reminder or post user can share the quote add to its favourite list and downlooad in its gallery)
Quotes and User Profile screen.
(End user quotes screen where the user can watch different quotes on app user can either like it or else send it to someone. The other one is user profile where he can see thorugh his current therapy appointment, favourite quotes screen where a user can switch his app mode according to his mood can clear history, Edit his profile etc.)
Protoying experience of App 
Qr code.
Credits for driven idea and inspiration
Thank you for watching it.
Relaxify ( Anxiety app)


Relaxify ( Anxiety app)
