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Tenebrous Depths

       >> A kind of conspiracy theory on a network of tunnels and arcades that are binded and pass through the subsurface of the Attica region unfolds in time from antiquity’ s buried cities, the 17th century’s hideouts of famous bandits until the axis occupation, where underground passages were turned into shelters, arms depots or escape routes from german blockades. One of the victims of this urban legend, that revived in the 90’s by the Metro construction and TBM’s excavations, is an ex-detective, who will obsessively indulge himself in the mystery of the underground locked city, following a tenebrous route from history to science fiction, from the extrinsic reality to the imaginary.
Tenebrous Depths

Tenebrous Depths

"Traces of commerce" is a municipal initiative for the activation of the Gallery of Merchants and its empty stores, a space in the center of Athe Read More
