Fatma Khaled's profile

YUGEN TEA (logo & packaging)

Welcome to your mindful tea journey. As you prepare to steep your senses in tranquility, take a moment to feel the present. Feel the weight of the teapot in your hands, the aroma of the tea leaves filling the air. Gently pour hot water, letting the steam carry your worries away. Observe the leaves unfurling, releasing their essence into the water, just as you release tension and stress.
Yūgen draws inspiration from the Japanese concept of "Yugen," which represents a profound and mysterious beauty that is beyond what words can express. The brand embodies this essence in its range of organic teas, sourced from pristine tea gardens around the world, to deliver a mindful tea-drinking experience.
Yugen's target audience includes individuals who prioritize their well-being and seek prod- ucts that align with a healthy lifestyle. These consumers are mindful of what they consume and are interested in choosing organic and natural products that promote mental well- being. They are likely to be conscious about the quality of the ingredients used in their tea.
Yūgen offers a diverse selection of organic tea blends, sourced from pristine tea gardens around the world. Each blend is carefully crafted to deliver a harmonious balance of flavors and aromas, providing a delightful experience for tea enthusiasts.  
Yügen presents mindful tea sampler sets, allowing customers to try a selection of their teas. These sets offer an opportunity to explore the variety of flavors and aromas.
Slogan: Nourish Mind, Body, and Soul

I took the logo inspiration form the Japanese red crowded crane bird Since this element carries cultural and symbolic meaning.
The Japanese concept of "Yūgen" refers to a deep and profound aesthetic, often described as an awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses that are too complex and deep for words to convey. It's a feeling of mystery and subtlety that goes beyond the surface, inspiring a sense of wonder and contemplation. In art, literature, and philosophy, Yūgen suggests a connection to the profound beauty that exists in the natural world and in the subtle and hidden aspects of life. It's an invitation to appreciate the beauty, a concept that aligns well with the mindful and contemplative experience that Yūgen tea brand aims to provide.

YUGEN TEA (logo & packaging)


YUGEN TEA (logo & packaging)
