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Visual Identity and Logo Design for Jewelry store Mirz

In the realm of design, a compelling brand story is woven through every meticulous detail. As a freelance designer, I had the honor of working on a transformative project for a jewelry store catering to a dynamic audience aged 18-28. This portfolio chronicles the journey of crafting an enchanting brand experience from the ground up.
Logo Design

Every jewelry store needs a visual identity that resonates with its target audience. I designed a captivating logo that encapsulates the essence of elegance and youthful charm. It serves as the beacon of the brand, inviting young hearts to explore a world of beauty and adornment.
Visual Identity

To create a brand that would captivate the imagination of young adults, I delved deep into the nuances of design. The visual identity I crafted is a harmonious blend of modernity and sophistication, soft colors, playful typography, and evocative imagery that speaks directly to the hearts of 18-28-year-olds.
Social Media Design

In a world dominated by visual platforms, I harnessed the power of social media to engage the youthful demographic. The designs for the store's social media channels were carefully curated to evoke desire and spark conversations, fostering a vibrant online community.
Email Signature and Business Card

Even in the digital age, personal connections are vital. The email signature and business card I designed serve as elegant touchpoints, ensuring that the brand's identity remains etched in the memory of every customer and collaborator.
Packaging Design

A piece of jewelry is not just an accessory; it's a cherished possession. My packaging design was created to elevate the unboxing experience, creating a sense of anticipation and delight for the young customers. Each box and bag is a tiny treasure chest, adding value to every purchase.
Brand Book

The brand book is the sacred guide that ensures every element aligns with the brand's soul. Within these pages, I meticulously detailed the brand's persona, visual guidelines, and messaging strategy. It stands as a testament to the dedication poured into preserving brand integrity.
Visual Identity and Logo Design for Jewelry store Mirz


Visual Identity and Logo Design for Jewelry store Mirz


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