DSNT - Det sker i Nordtyskland: 
Website, Newsletters & SOME content
I worked on building this website in Wordpress, where I designed many pages and made banners:
The image is showing the frontpage of dsnt.dk
I made several posts and stories for social media to promote the website:
Example of a story I designed:
Example of images from one of the posts I made on Instagram:
Last but not least, I created several newsletters in Mailchimp to update subscribers about new articles and deals:
Example of newsletter
With the help of a copywriter and a marketing person we launched this website in July 2023.

This project was the biggest project I worked on as an intern at an advertising agency from June - July 2023.
It included working on prototype layouts to send to potential parners, building pages and articles in Wordpress, photo manipulation, copywriting, designing social media content & posting it, content planning and more.



