Invisible lines traverse fields and mountains. No one sees them, yet everyone feels their presence. The air undergoes a subtle shift when you cross one, and you instinctively realize that you are not at home; you are headed somewhere else.

Today, only a few abandoned buildings serve as reminders that we couldn't always move freely. It's almost unimaginable to think that there was once a fence where farmland now stretches.

In my series, I explored the green borders of Austria and Hungary. The starting point of my project is the mass emigration that followed the 1956 war of independence. Over 250,000 people left Hungary illegally in these areas, hoping for a better future. During my journey, I sought out images where the state border extended to the horizon, leaving a trace or a solitary object piercing the idyllic landscape, hinting at human presence. These images aim to capture both hope and uncertainty simultaneously. I believe that these people must have experienced similar emotions.

2021, Budapest
Invisible Borders


Invisible Borders
