TYPE: Method of mass reconstruction of manor housing | Individual house
YEAR: 2022
PROJECT AREA: 106,5 m2
AUTHOR: Roman Derpa

MODULAR HOUSE is a proposal for the method of mass and operational reconstruction of manor housing in Ukraine as a result of Russian aggression within the framework of the competition from the Department of Urban Planning KNUCA supported by the National Union of Architects of Ukraine.

- To reach and help a large number of victims, avoiding duplication of a typical project without an individual approach.
- To achieve high performance in the speed of development of an individual project, the speed of implementation, and the cost of the project without losing quality characteristics.
- To develop a design system that will withstand the style and composition of the streets when performing various individual projects.
- To provide clients without an architectural degree with a tool in the form of a website that will allow them to quickly create an approximate project for transfer to a specialist who will work on it.

    As a result of the work, it was possible to create a method, the essence of which is the development and use of special component units of the building i.e. modules that have the ability to block according to certain algorithms. The method will have great potential and benefit if it is used on a large scale supported by the state, private entrepreneurs and volunteers. For mass coverage, it provides for creating an organization that will establish office staff, production, installation teams, logistics and the website. As a result of the implementation of the method, the expected quickly implementation of an individual project is in 2-3 months from the moment of the client's application to the completion of installation on the site. 
    It is the development of typical modules that will ensure the efficient production of the building's component units in the conveyor mode, and the possibility of large-unit delivery to the site. And the possibility of blocking in different variations will allow taking into account the wishes of the customer, the features of the design site, orientation, etc. It is supposed to manufacture modules in the "box" state, as well as in a full complete set. The modules are designed using SIP technology (sandwich panels using timber, OSB and energy-efficient insulation). This technology ensures the speed of installation and production, simplicity of construction, optimal cost, the possibility of transportation and high energy-efficient qualities.

    It is planned to develop an operational design system using a website where a "designer" for the client will be developed. When familiarizing with the design and construction method, the client will be able to work with the designer, who will allow blocking of available modules and applying facade materials to the surface. Followed by that, the client will submit the formed designer model to specialists along with additional initial data (layout and site boundaries, photo fixation, survey letter, wishes, etc.). Specialists, in turn, process the received materials and, if necessary, adjust the designer's model in cooperation with the client. having reached an agreement, the client makes the payment or uses the financing of reconstruction funds for partial or full reimbursement, and the specialists transfer the specification of the modules for manufacturing and subsequent transportation with installation.



MODULAR HOUSE is a proposal for the method of mass and operational reconstruction of manor housing in Ukraine as a result of Russian aggression.
