Alexandra Martin's profile

50 BULLETS Movie Poster

Brief: Develop a movie poster design for an upcomming drama/action film by Michael Bay. The design must ooze action, drama, thrill and excitement.
Outcome: The design for this poster, revolves around the revenge that the main character wants to have over the mobster that kills his family. I was inspired by Iron Man, and used a similar typographic treatement on the title of the film. The "red hot" look cast over the people pictured in the poster, represents anger, agression and action, where as the green, de-saturated look of their skins contrasts with this.
Contributors: All imagery is provided stock, all Photoshop manipulation done by myself.
50 BULLETS Movie Poster

50 BULLETS Movie Poster

Develop a movie poster print design for an up and coming Michael Bay film called 50 BULLETS.
