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AI in Graphic Design

For this project I created a gif that represents the fear that AI brings when it comes to changes. We cannot control what will happen and AI being this new thing has become something people have feared especially because some even believe it will take their jobs in the future. The thing is these things are unknown and we all have to live with changes and AI is just one of them. This project I collaborated with Chat GPT and Adobe Firefly.
Here is the essay I was required to write with this project. So here are my thoughts when it comes to AI. The good and the bad. This Essay was wrote using the collaboration of Chat GPT for what content the essay should cover.
AI has both its ups and its downs. People are still scared about what it can do but do not see all the potential either. AI is still something that we are all adjusting to. AI in graphic design is still something that is being played with. Personally, I do not think AI will take the jobs of graphic designers, but some do. Graphic design and AI, though, could work together hand in hand when creating if one uses it right. It may seem like a scary thing, but with the negatives come the positives, just like everything else. AI has the power to help in the graphic design world, but the thing is, people fear the unknown and change. 

AI has all sorts of amazing uses that can help with graphic design. One of my favorite uses is for imagery in your work. With things like Adobe Firefly, now you can have a better chance of finding. an image that can work for your design instead of searching through stock photos. It can give a more personal touch because it should be able to bring you exactly what you want if you know how to create the correct prompt. It helps to be really detailed with your words. It can also save you time. It can give you anything you want, but there is also the fact it may not be completely correct information. You just need to be careful. But it can help create copy for posters and designs and suggest things for type and colors and such. I have also witnessed that AI can be quite consistent in creating what you want and can even create imagery that feels similar to one another with the correct prompting, and it can also be super helpful for making consistent branding. There truly are a lot of possibilities with AI.

People are still weary about using AI, which makes sense. It is still very new, and you do not exactly know what to expect. Some are even scared of losing jobs. AI could take away jobs as it becomes more advanced, but it is not something that is completely sure about job loss. One does not necessarily know that this will happen. Then, there are the issues of ownership and copyright. Who really owns the imagery that is being created? I do not specifically know that answer because it blurs the lines a bit on who owns what. AI also, though, is something that is losing that human touch. No one is taking the photos or drawing anything. The computer is doing it all. Then, we have the issues with privacy concerns. People fear that AI is taking personal data. We also have the discussion about the bias and fairness of AI. You do not exactly know where it stands because it is an algorithm. There is still a lot to learn about AI. So, it is okay to find this scary. 

AI may still seem like this scary thing, especially if one does not know the logistics and all the facts about it to begin with. Fear about something new like this and what it can do is completely normal. One would not want to lose their job to some artificial intelligence. But with graphic design, the human touch will still be important. Clients want to talk with people who can understand and work with them, especially since AI is far from perfect. For now, AI is a great tool that can be used with graphic design, but it should not be replacing it any time soon.
AI in Graphic Design

AI in Graphic Design
