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CASE STUDY: Pusha iPassion (SDG Campaign)

Case Study: Multi-Channel Campaign
Pusha iPassion
Craft an appropriate and meaningful solution to address a design challenge related to an SDG in a local community.
The Design Challenge: Upskilling the youth
The Community: Soweto
Soweto is a Township that is currently experiencing many problems due to the instabilities of high unemployment; a large portion of this community requires upskilling in order to expand their capabilities in the labour force. Changes in community development are slow due to the inconsistency of government support. I chose this community because it is clear that there are problems from various perspectives that have not been addressed in Soweto.
- Basic living needs, such as infrastructure, economics, and hunger, are all interconnected.
- Inadequate resources to sustain basic living standards
- Self-employment appears to be a viable option for earning a living.
- A high youth unemployment rate of 46.3%
- Due to fluctuations in the South African economy, members of the community are unable to support one another.
- Community drug exposure - Government is not always dependable - Facilities do not accommodate enough students In a class - There are power outages and a lack of data to run online classes.
- Community members are compelled to become entrepreneurs.
Strategic Direction & High Concept
The main challenge of the brief is to identify and solve design challenges in the local community, and the goal of this project is to focus on alleviating poverty in the Soweto community, as the community suffers from basic living standards due to a lack of skill and unemployment. Unemployment is a major issue that I intend to address through my creative strategy.
The promotion of entrepreneurship training to develop the qualities and skills of being an entrepreneur, as well as useful skills to work alongside the entrepreneurial qualities to assist members of the community in enabling a start-up. In the creative approach to pursuing this, I hope to establish a system in which members of the community can learn skills to help themselves and their community.
All of the youth in the 12 sections will be prepared for the seminars, which will be held twice a day (Monday through Saturday).
Following the induction of students into their desired program, the workshops will take place twice a week for two months at a public facility or a school that can accommodate numerous people.
The program comprises workshops that unpack the fundamentals of entrepreneurial qualities and the skills they want to learn more about.
Media Channels & Executions
The deliverable channels of this campaign will be portrayed through print media such as billboards, murals, newspapers, magazines, and street pole posters around Soweto, as they are most accessible to the community to engage with.

The Social media posts are centered on potential investors and government officials who see the potential in this initiative, as well as educators who are open to supporting with their skills Taxi Print advertisements, as Taxi’s is the main contact point in Soweto.
Ideation & Development
logo concepts
Media Channels
Thank You
CASE STUDY: Pusha iPassion (SDG Campaign)


CASE STUDY: Pusha iPassion (SDG Campaign)
