Jiawei Wu's profile

City Bike Branding (GuangZhou)

This is a university assignment‭, ‬a branding design for city bicycles‭. ‬The place I have chosen is Guangzhou‭, ‬it is a famous tourist city‭. ‬Many people from different places come here to travel‭. ‬Although there is a variety of public transportation‭. ‬But I think bicycles are still the preferred mode of transportation for students and travelers‭. ‬So‭, ‬the bicycle brand I designed not only‭ ‬solves people's short-distance travel‭, ‬but also promotes the features of the city‭.‬
THE concept
Explore the city
Connect tourist attractions
Promote cityscape
A special way to travel
The idea of the destination x mark
Brand personality
City Bike Branding (GuangZhou)

City Bike Branding (GuangZhou)
