Nasir Rauf's profile

Elevating Indulgence

Project : Elevating Indulgence - Youplait Yogurt's Sensational Campaign

Client: Agthia Group
Brand: Youplait Yogurt
Agency: Partnership ME
Concept: Indulging in Yogurt - The First Spoon Takes You to New Heights

The Challenge:
Agthia Group's Youplait, a beloved yogurt brand, set out to create a campaign that captured the essence of indulgence - a feeling where the very first spoonful transports you to a realm of delight and euphoria. The challenge was to elevate this concept and shoot the model in a way that truly embodied this sensation.

Nasir's Test Shoot Magic:
Nasir Rauf, known for his creative genius, embarked on a journey to bring this concept to life. He began with test shoots using a dummy model, meticulously crafting a set, and experimenting with lighting to achieve the perfect feel.

The Spectacular Shoot:
When the client arrived, everything was meticulously prepared, from the model's makeup to a specially tailored costume, the set, and the lighting. As the shoot commenced, something magical happened - the very first click was approved by the client. It encapsulated the essence of the campaign, the sensation of elevation and euphoria. Although the shoot continued for three hours with more options, the client's satisfaction was already sealed by the first click.

Elevating the Campaign:
The client was so impressed that they made a spontaneous decision to feature the image on a billboard outside their factory, originally intended only for print. The entire pricing was revised and elevated to match the grandeur of this billboard display.

Nasir's Magic Touch:
In Nasir Rauf, such moments of magic are not rare. His ability to grasp a concept, meticulously prepare, and capture the perfect shot in an instant is what sets him apart as a creative visionary. His work embodies the essence of indulgence, transporting the viewer to a world where that very first spoonful of Youplait Yogurt elevates the senses, a sensation that words can't fully describe.

In Conclusion:
The Youplait Yogurt Campaign was a testament to Nasir Rauf's unique talent to capture moments that transcend the ordinary. His magic touch took a concept of indulgence and turned it into a sensation, with a single click leaving the client spellbound. This campaign, with its billboard outside the factory, represents not just a triumph of creativity but a testament to the power of the very first spoonful - it elevates, delights, and captivates.
Elevating Indulgence


Elevating Indulgence
