Bruegel - Annual report - 2022
Transparency - Bruegel at glance - Knowledge observation
The sparks represent flows of knowledge, moving freely through a field of water lilies, which are like magnifying glasses for researchers. Researchers watch the sparks, feeling inspired to observe important data in a clear and transparent manner.
Independent - Policy impact - Knowledge processing
The knowledge flow is absorbed through the roots of the tree. The flow gives the tree the minerals it needs to grow. The tree processes the knowledge flow, transforming the sparks from preliminary observations to concrete solutions to problems. As the tree evolves, the knowledge too grows, hand in hand with each other.
Diversity - research - Knowledge sharing 
The tree has grown and the fruits of the research hang from its branches. Once ripe, the fruit is harvested and analysed further by the researchers, while the remaining yield is shared across several networks associated with the research, represented by the river below.
Open research - Governance - use of knowledge 
The governance structure and members help to facilitate research and the sharing of knowledge to many stakeholders. In this illustration, each stakeholder of Bruegel is represented by a sphere. The spheres are connected to each other by streams of light, signalling strong relationships. Those relationships inspire more research, and the cycle of knowledge and information-sharing begins again.
Annual report 2022