To stop a dogfight, you need to start one.

South Africa has experienced a 500% increase in illegal dogfighting. This brutal bloodsport happens regularly - in the most respectable neighbourhoods. The public are blissfully unaware of this criminal activity because it is very carefully covered-up by the criminals. The dogs are even taught to fight in silence. To enable the NSPCA Special Investigations Unit to break the rings and arrest the criminals, we needed tip-offs from the public. To get these, we had to break the secrecy: make people aware that dogfighting could be happening right next door to them, and then drive them online to learn what signs to watch for. With no media budget.
We set up a billboard publicly advertising a (fake) dog fight, with a call to book tickets via a telephone number and a URL. The billboard was towed by a trailer through Johannesburg's upmarket northern Suburbs. Almost immediately, the advertised URL and phone lines were flooded with protests =  33 000 hits from 110 countries in 5 hours. People photographed the billboard and posted it to social media with appeals to the government, to the police - and of course to the NSPCA (whose involvement was still a secret). We closely monitored the outrage and at its peak we revealed our message: "Did this fake dog fight make yopu see rid? Stand up against dog fighting!". The campaign PR then kicked in. Once the NSPCA's involvement was revealed, the NSPCA was invited to speak on a multitude of broadcast channels, to explain the motive behind the dramatic campaign. The free media exposure gave the NSPCA a platform to educate the public about the telltale signs of dogfighting activities.

With zero media spend we received free advertising value of R1 727 012,34. We achieved over 29 million impressions across all media. The campaign website received 33 000 hits in 5 hours reaching a total of 110 countries around the world and the topic also trended on Twitter. The campaign was intended to run for 4 days but reached its objectives within the billboard being launched.

The most rewarding result? One year later 133 dogs have been rescued and 29 arrests were made.
Apex Awards 2018 SPECIAL AWARD
Apex Awards 2018 BRONZE 
Loerie Awards 2017, BRONZE - Transit & Air
Assegai Awards 2016, GOLD - Experiential Media
Assegai Awards 2016, GOLD - Direct Response Mass Media: TV, Print, Out-of-home and Radio

CCO: Fran Luckin
Creative Directors: Glenn Jeffery, Francois du Preez
Copywriter: Toni Cheiman
Art Direction: Greer van Eyssen, Taryrn Bezuidenhout, Sinead Floyd Kabamba
PR: Melissa Padia
Account Management: Michelle Jardim
NSPCA Dogfight

NSPCA Dogfight


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