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Saturday Art Class l Gaysi

Saturday Art Class.
Organised by Gaysi, it always started with a brief of a classic artist's work. Take inspiration from their style and make our own Paintings on a small piece of canvas. It was nice to see how each person would have a different look at it and produce their own image. Some doing it by what they have and given, some sharing with others, some even helping those around.
The inclusiveness of all colours though is what made this successful. To throw colour on something blank, and make it a spectrum of something so delightful.
Take aways from this experience:

It's not often that you get to cover such an experience. It made me wonder what pictures would I even get. A blank canvas to start with and some colours and painbrushes around.
Once they played with colour though, I realised this is one of those times where I break the rules of Photography, specially the rule of thirds. Once I went closer to the canvas, I was invited to a whole new world of perspective.
It was pretty hard to get some shots as the camera had to be held with one hand at awkward angles to get the balance right.
I thought I didn't get good ones by the end of it. But coming back to review and edit them, I realised it is good to trust your intuition and gear. The shallow depth of field helped pull my focus at the perfect spot. The colours that popped up automatically was ravishing to look at.
Saturday Art Class l Gaysi


Saturday Art Class l Gaysi
