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Quiet Scents | Corporate Identity

Quiet Scents | Corporate Identity
Project Brief
Required to conceptualise and create an engaging, visually appropriate corporate identity programme for a uniquely South African high-end product range selected from a specific commodity chosen from a provided list supplied. The product brand’s range should consist of three related variants and needs to be inspired by uniquely local ingredients, flavours, materials, or cultural origins. The brand’s narrative should be positioned for both South African and international consumers. The region of origin needs to be clearly evident in the final solution without being stereotypical. Finally, the history of the product must be interpreted, made contemporary or referred to in a novel way, but should form an integral part of the design development.
Project Deliverables
Mood Board that communicates the personality of the brand
| A Crafted Corporate Identity including brand positioning, core visual identity and visual language
| Comprehensive Vertical Narrative
Design Strategy
Quiet Scents is an enchanting perfume brand aimed at women that infuses its fragrances with indigenous South African plants. Its fragrance family of perfumes is made with the essential oils of Rose Pelargonium, Citronellum Pelargonium, and Grossulariodes Pelargonium respectively, with their scents also providing stress and anxiety relieving properties. The logo is inspired by the story of "Mujaji Rain Queens" from Lovedu mythology, who bring the rainfall required for the brand's signature plant to grow and flourish. The colour palette, patterning and photographic approach are all derived from the Pelargonium plant itself, as it is the driving force behind the brand.
The narrative of the brand heavily relies on the look and feel of the rose pelargonium ingredient, which is further derives the brand's visual language. The moodboard also holds a level of sophistication and elegance that the brand seeks to provide.
Logo Development
Initially the logo development focused on trying to include the pelargonium leaves in some way, however it was not effectively communicating the essence of the brand. The idea surrounding the logo, shifted towards rather telling the brand's origin story.

Please view process work for full corporate identity development.
Vertical Narrative
The vertical narrative of the final crafted corporate identity containing its brand positioning and visual language.
Quiet Scents | Corporate Identity

Quiet Scents | Corporate Identity
