Joshua Hunter's profile

03 | Typography: Dante's Inferno (Redo)

03 | Typography: Dante's Inferno (Redo)
Brief Summary
This project asks students to consider how typography and format, alongside paper stock and book architecture, can amplify ones engagement with prose and narrative. Using the opening and closing chapter of a selected chosen book, the students were asked to create a radical reimagining of the books content through typography.
- Strategy 
- Research 
- Concept development, design and realisation 
- Typographic skills 
- Specifications 
- Presentation 
Redo Rationale
In my previous attempt at this project, I made several blunders. Firstly, I did not honour the poem structure and phrasing from the original in an attempt to achieve a smooth rag and cohesive content. Additionally I over complicated the content in trying to gamify the experience. Text was hard to read, and it was not obvious where the user was to interact.

For the redo I went back to the drawing board whilst still staying true to the style guide I created originally. I have honoured the poem structure as I feel it is more important than a beautiful rag. The additional information indicated that originally rotated around the screen is now linked to an interactable pop up within the text itself. My focus now was on using type as image and exploring interesting shapes created by the different type faces, most predominantly 'Plain Black Wide'. 
Research and Design development
Strategy and Specifications
03 | Typography: Dante's Inferno (Redo)

03 | Typography: Dante's Inferno (Redo)
