One early spring evening of my childhood, my dad informed Mom and I that he knew of 100 plus baby chicks that needed a home. We both stared at each other and said, in unison, "I want one!" Long story short, we ended up "adopting" 2 chicks that would later grow up to be hens. We quickly learned their various personality differences and charms, and Sweet Pea and Cookie became just as much pets as were our dogs and cats.
Several years later, we decided to make a children's book celebrating our hens. Mom, Victoria Blaker, wrote the story while I did the illustrations. First college, then work, then a move across the country intervened and the project was placed on the back burner.
Over 10 years after the project was started it is now a published book. Look for it on Amazon.
The Wild Ride

The Wild Ride

Children's book about two chickens who pursue their dreams and learn a valuable lesson along the way.
