53 4f 53 (hexadecimal code for SOS)

Depicts the lyrics to 'Sound of Silence' by Simon and Garfunkel. An ironic and paradoxical take, given it is part of the Noise series. SOS is also more commonly known as an acronym for 'Save Our Souls' which is apt given what the lyrics represent for many - worship of technology, lack of human connection and the paradox of social media. The meaning of the lyrics also ties in well with the visual representation (noise, tv screen, and 'the neon god they made').

Created by converting song lyrics to 9,800 binary digits, splitting into equal lines of 123 digits, and using my own conversion tool (binapix.co.uk) to create an exportable SVG/bitmap image (where black = 0 and white = 1). A portrait version has also been created (shown below) which uses an inverted scheme (where white = 0 and white = 0).
53 4f 53